Family Expired Medicine Collection Mechanism

GPHL 2018-04-04 11:10:38

Since Baiyunshan Hutchison Whampoa Limited was established, the high product quality assurance has become the most important cornerstone of Baiyunshan brand.

The Blooming White Lotus in Tibetan Saint Territory

GPHL 2018-03-02 15:53:06

Glaciers are criss-crossing, mountains are standing aggrogantly, and Yarlung Zangbo River is flowing and prancing.

The Choice between Li (Proft) and De (Morality)

GPHL 2018-03-02 15:36:55

When the SARS epidemic swept over the country in 2003, many companies were closed to avoid transmission of the virus, and moreover the whole society was plunged into deep panic.

The Imperishable Lamplight in the Long Night

GPHL 2017-08-31 10:07:08

Various shops at Beijing Pedestrian Street are closed one after another after ten o'clock every night, while the shopping crowds disperse, and the pedestrian street becomes quiet gradually after a noi

Liang Qichao's Encounter with Wanglaoji Abroad

GPHL 2017-08-31 09:59:59

Nowadays Wanglaoji is the most popular herbal tea all across the country and gradually enters into the international market.

Herbal Tea as the Protection for the Soldiers of Deng Shichang's Fleets

GPHL 2017-08-31 09:55:56

There were raging miasma and epidemic plague in ancient Lingnan region. People were accustomed to treating diseases through acupuncture, cupping and scraping.

The Name Wanglaoji Given by Lin Zexu

GPHL 2017-08-30 15:52:27

Herbal tea is the product of the special geographical environment in Guangdong, which is basically cooked through boiling cold and clearing heat-toxin Chinese herbal medicine.