GPHL launches online storytelling competition, highlighting TCM culture

2018-10-20 10:43:03 GPHL GPHL

GPHL launched a storytelling competition on Ximalaya FM, an online broadcasting platform. The competition will run from September 15th from October 25th, inviting both its employees and the public to share their stories about the company and its products.

This is the second time for GPHL to hold a storytelling competition, but the first time to utilize an online platform to enable people to record, edit and share stories more easily. Thus far, 68 participants have uploaded their works sharing their experience using GPHL products and stories of how they have grown up with the brand.

Their stories have attracted a large audience. Luo Jing, a member of staff at Baiyunshan Pharmaceutical General Factory, has topped the list with the story about Xi Zhongxun’s two visits to Baiyunshan factory and has gained 13,031 votes. According to GPHL, it will grant awards to both employees and participants from outside the company.

To promote the competition, GPHL also organized an event in Tianhe’s Grandview Plaza and invited the outstanding participants to tell their stories. Li Peicong, Chief Editor of Ximalaya’s Cantonese Channel, and Qiu Jianhua, Director of GPHL’s Cooperation Culture Department attended the event.

The storytelling event attracted a large number of shoppers.

Luo Jing, the most popular participant, tells his story about Jin Ge, China’s Viagra.

Ji Wenjing shares the story about Banyunshan’s famous product, Banlangan, and its use in the SARS period.

The youngest performer during the event. The winner of a storytelling competition in Yuexiu.

GPHL also invited Lin Juze, a doctor from Guangdong Academy of Medical Sciences Guangdong General Hospital, to share knowledge about Chinese soup during the event.

In line with the competition, GPHL launched a programme, Lingnan Story House, broadcast on Ximalaya, interpreting the 400-year history of China’s top pharmaceutical manufacturer through 30 unique stories. People can listen to these stories in the 岭南故事铺(Lingnan Story House) which is on the home page of Ximalaya’s Cantonese channel.